
Showing posts from September 18, 2022

As the Sun Set

As the sun set, the desert wasteland that lie before me glowed a scarlet, eerie sort of red. It was redder than blood. It was more barren than a cavern. It was more desolated, plus lonely, like a haunted graveyard that barely any heavenly angels came from. I think that we all could have found our own comparisons to those deadly ideas, I knew that at least I could have. The scarlet liquid that travels through each and every one of our veins. Yes, it brings us to a beautiful life tense, surely to be enjoyed, but it is hidden, and once each of us cuts our skin open, the red stain on that now lies on our sleeve, if it does anything, it prophesies of death. Why is that? Is it unfamiliarity? Is it mystery?? Lets peer inside ourselves for a closer look. It takes in whole, around 60 seconds for the blood in your body to complete one track. It goes first to your heart to your extremities and then it returns, a simple, unfrightening, there and back again. Blood moves through the body much li...

You Deserve to Read

Here are the two books that I published on Amazon and their summaries and links! Hope you enjoy! ❤️❤️❤️ This novel tells the classic love story, reaching an international audience with the character's difference in nationality. The main point in the first section of the book that tells more of this romance, that in matters of love, it doesn't matter what country a person comes from, family they grew up with, or even age that they are for there to be a true honest future for them. It starts on the streets of New York, Rachel Branson is late for work. The taxi cab that gives her an entertaining ride in her rush is driven curiously, by someone that is an immigrant from Mexico and claims his name is Taxi Cal. He could be joking. He is a young, immature high-schooler. Before Rachel is even sure of what exactly she says to him, she asks him out on a date, to which he accepts. Neither of them is very sure what they should think of the other while their dates roll in and out with each ...