Happy Helper with a Different Story/Storing System
Hi! This week has certainly been a busy, exciting week. I recently went to the doctor's for an ultrasound, and I am very happy to say that the baby girl growing inside me looks very healthy and ready to be born based on the information that they could get there. (Although, I was also warned that since it was just an ultrasound and my due date isn't until closer to mid-October (I am actually planning on having a caesarean section (c-section) (interesting tidbit-that is also how I was born and entered the world!)) so they said that everything looks good right now, but anything still has the capability of happening...which I think is just something that they have to say, so I am still hopeful in anticipation and am anxious (but not too anxious). This week, in writing I did some more story-planning and drafting, plus idea-sharing with my husband. I am working on a BIG story I think, but one I definetely want to hit a larger, more realistic groove with the retelling. What if the mai...