What it means to be a disciple of Christ
Of all blessings we each receive, one of the greatest blessings of life and eternity is to be counted as one of the true and devoted disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. In the scriptures, a large crowd followed the Savior as He ministered by the shore of the Sea of Galilee. So that more would be able to hear Him, He got into Peter’s fishing boat and asked to be taken a little way out from the shore. After He was done with speaking, He told Peter, who had fished all night long without success, to go out in the lake and let down his nets in the deep, cavernous water. Peter obeyed straightway, and he caught so many fish that the nets broke. Peter quickly called to his partners, James and John, to come and to help him. All were baffled at the amount of fish which were caught. Jesus said to Peter, “Fear not; from henceforth thou shalt catch men.” (Luke 5: 10) Luke then tells us, “When they had brought their ships to land, they forsook all, and followed him.”1 (Luke 5: 11) They became some o...