
Showing posts from October 16, 2022

The Phantom Train Rides Again

Christi took a deep breath. Her stomach beneath her brown shirt went in as slowly as her boyfriend making a decision that made sense with his career, their relationship, or anything that would make sense. When humble nature demanded her to finish the breath, her dark eyes darted around, growing in curiosity, searching for something else to do besides drift alone in her frightening thoughts in her locomotive seat that was currently traveling through Colorado. She found nothing beside her except the night lights from nearby towns and cities darting past her small window. She didn’t know why it was this difficult for her now to occupy her time but the strangest of feeling of fear. She was known as the little girl that always had something to do with her time while she was growing up, even if it was just a little game she made up in her head involving silly letters and made-up numbers. Big brown eyes, fizzy muddy hair, and a head full of ideas; that was what she was known for, growing up...