Looking up at the Stars
Write a story that begins and ends with someone looking up at the stars. I gazed upward at the humble night sky. One of the few things that I still enjoyed. I wonder what is up there. All my vain midnight dreams…All my dumb wishes…All my ignorant hopes. I let my sluggish head sink down to my hands rested on the dirty white windowsill doing anything but wondering themselves in a vulgar fantasy. I could just hear my dad, versing all my dreams scientifically. That starts were a lot more than a glance at a distant dream. They were galaxies, gatherings of gas much larger than our sun. Stupid. I was so stupid. But hey, a girl can dream, right? I won’t tell you my name, that only highlights it like the comet that I am names after. The comet that only is visible for a short time to a human’s naked eye from earth. It doesn’t even come that much to the humble, meek eye that often, twice in a lifetime, my astronomy teacher, Ms. Hashway always told me. I grinned as I thought of her funny, quirk...