Faith on Revelation and Inspiration

This past week, on Tuesday, I was listening to a talk given by Elder Richard G. Scott in the past and was impressed to write this. The talk was called "How to Obtain Revelation and Inspiration for Your Personal Life" and it was given in April 2012. It spoke of personal revelation given through dreams. I was reminded of Lehi's dream of the tree of life (and it was Nephi's dream too, once he asked for had to be done so humbly, I assume (I guess it has been too long since I have read the Book of Mormon...not that it is a bad thing that I am reading the Old Testament of the Bible right now!) (I should get the Book of Mormon started again awfully soon though...maybe today.) (Feeling and writing revelation that I am given.).
I am also reminded of the dreams that Joseph had in Genesis 37-50, which is found in the Old Testament (and a musical--If you have heard of "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat", which is why I recall them--forgive me!) (Hey, if you know them, you know them! In fact, my husband and I saw this musical, the one starring Donny Osmond recently). I like referring to that story, because it shows me that though things may be revealed to a prophet, the prophet may still not always understand just what his dream may have meant. Once, in Joseph's dreams, he saw 11 planets bowing down to him. He also saw 11 stars bowing down, and the sun and the moon. The sun and the moon he had only guesses resembled his mother and father; although he knew that the 11 certainly referred to his brothers. Him making sense of the dream later in his life, while he was working with the pharaoh gives me hope in the interpretation of my own dreams.
One dream in particular several years ago could have meant something great and I am hopeful. In the dream, I was running through the fields, golden fields without any disability and I was joyful. While I had this dream, I was wearing braces and casts on my right arm and leg everday and I thought that I had no hope (but I must have if I had a dream like this one...speculatively). I never thought that the day would come like today where I wear no braces/casts on my body and though it is still impossible for me to run and I still walk with a small limp, these things alone show me that my healing and recovery is an ongoing process. There was and is no ending until that coming day that I am completely healed. My husband, Michael and I had a recent converstaion about it and about what a hopeless case I believe I am (he thinks diffferent). I need to stop thinking about it like that. There is always hope, even a hope in Christ. I should never give up. I am blessed so much already in the fact that I have a husband and a child. I never could have predicted either of those things happening, but I must have never given up fully on the hope.
I am also reminded (sorry for the random placement) that the prophet Joseph Smith walked with a limp for most of his life too because of a leg surgery that he was given while he was young where they fully expected that theu would have to amputate it. They didn't...I guess it is easier to see miracles if they aren't occuring in your own life...which makes me wonder though I know that the prophet Joseph Smith had to be a person full of hope. I need to and am working on being an example of this true type of faith and hope to my son, Nathan (and everyone else) and will for the rest of my life. I yearn for that positive impact, and am so grateful for the things and people in my community helping so much with that already. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.


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